Rewards for Ethnic Language Proficiency Certification Have Been Raised. Now You Can Win Higher Prizes for High and Advance Levels Applications will be accepted from March 20th, 2023!
Rewards for Ethnic Language Proficiency Certification Have Been Raised. Now You Can Win Higher Prizes for High and Advance Levels Applications will be accepted from March 20th, 2023! Indigenous People Commission of Taipei City Government has announced an increase in incentives for ethnic language certification to encourage and cultivate indigenous language inheritance and teaching talents from Year 2023. In addition to continuing the policies that participants are not restricted to indigenous people, those who pass the proficiency tests on High and Advanced Levels can apply for personal rewards and families which pass the ethnic language certificates can obtain rewards, the rewards for High and Advanced Levels have been increased now. Indigenous People Commission of Taipei City Government stated that, after the announcement on the implementation of Indigenous Languages Development Act and Development of National Languages Act, various policies on ethnic language promotion are turning closely related to the daily life of all ethnic groups. Moreover, since 2022 school year, the new indigenous language curriculum has taken effect. Ethnic language courses have been extended from elementary school to middle school. Thus, expanding the teaching talent pool is time critical. Taipei City lacks indigenous tribes but gathers diverse ethnic groups, making it relatively challenging to use and inherit ethnic languages. Therefore, in order to expand the use of ethnic languages and enhance mutual respect and understanding among various ethnic groups for multicultural existence and prosperity, boost the willingness to participate in certification and encourage indigenous people to challenge the professional certification levels, the Commission raises the amounts of the rewards this year. Those who pass the High Level will be rewarded with NTD 30,000 (formerly NTD 20,000), and those who pass the Advanced Level will receive NTD 50,000 (formerly NTD 30,000). Citizens who have registered in Taipei City for more than four months are welcome to apply. To apply, log in to the City's "Citizen Service Platform" ( between March 20th and July 31st of the current year after the announcement of the ethnic language certification results. Please search for “Rewards for Taipei Indigenous Language Proficiency Test”, fill in the information of the applicant and prepare proper documentation. After that, your application is completed.